Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm Forever blowing bubbles...pretty bubbles in the air...

I can already see the look on Brian's face when she sees this post :D Well, just for the record, it's made especially to piss you off even more :D
But I simply can't help myself you know, I must write about this. "This" means completely inexplicable wave of fancy towards English Football Hooligans. I've no idea where it comes from but I love them all:D Honestly, who am I trying to fool? Of course it all started after watching the brilliant "Hooligans" by Lexi Alexander. How else could it be? This move is really fantastic, if you leave completely the Hobbit part I mean. Now, seriously, this story shows just how those people manage to find some place to belong. They all have been deprived of affection at home or at school. Hence, this will to unite in the name of anything, stand your ground, leave no one behind..and just go for it. Though their ends are just (I mean who wouldn't like to smash seven shades of shit out of Tommy Hatcher and the whole Millwall??), their means are ruthless. But still, I love them anyway :D
Just can't wait to see it again on big screen during the fim marathon next Friday :D Brian, you'll love this, I promise. Just wear West Ham United jersey :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeszcze nie przeczytalam posta ktory wlasnie komentuje ale nie wiem czy dam rade!! "Hooligans" mnie przesladuja od kilku dni i nie wiem czy dalej wytrzymam:PP ehh...Gosiek Ty i ten Twoj swiat:PP buziaki:*:*:* JAMA:PP

10:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a mnie przesladuje Harry Potter, ciekawe czemu (Gosiak??) ;)

11:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ej czemu nie widac mojego komentarza?? do kurki siwej??

11:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O! teraz widac nawet dwa ;) Gosik jak mozesz to wykasuj te pierdoly ;))))

11:03 am  
Blogger Satine said...

hehe, za Harrego nie wykasuje:P:P

11:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ale wiesz Olga, Harrego to ja tez mam i Malfoya i tych wszystkich innych...takze rozumiem Cie bardzo dobrze i lacze sie z Toba w bolu...a text DO KURKI SIWEJ bardzo mi sie podoba:D

5:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wlasnie jest sobota rano (kilkanascie godz po obejrzeniu maratonu gdzie obejrzalam HOOLIGANS:D)!! Film jest poprostu swietny, polecam go kazdemu:Dnawet Frodo mi tam za bardzo nie przeszkadzal:)bardzo sie ciesze ze go wkoncu obejrzalam i dziekuje Ci Gosiak ze mnie na to namowilas i szturchalas w kinie zebym nie zasnela:PPehh...
P.S. nie ogladajcie Football Factory, porazka (moje zdanie)!!

1:03 pm  
Blogger Satine said...

hehe no musialam skoro nie chcialas wypic napoju energetyzujacego:P:P Dołączam sie do opinii, Football Factory sucks na całej linii, porazka roku
Ale bylo super:D Thanks girls:*:*

1:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brajan, ja wiedziałam, że z Ciebie jest równa babka :) posyłam Wam miliony buziaków

7:23 pm  

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