My Vision
Tonight...wonderful things are about to happen...
all of your wildest dreams are about to come true...just lay back and let me give my love to you...It feels like the rain carresing our bodies
while we are taken by the bliss...
the overwhelming rapture...
Can you see my vision..?
When love was the feeling?
Since the beginning of January I had to take care of my studies and pass the examinations. Now I am luckily transformed to another term and have the whole of February just for myself. I plan basically to call on few friends...renew some acquiantances, we'll see how it works.
And again..I can't take this recurring dream out of my happens almost every night, it's like a calling or something. I am in some place unknown...I think I am alone, but then I can, sense some presence. At first I am scared, but then the waves of heat flood over me and then HE appears. He is so ethereal, full of passion. He knows exactly what he's me, all of me. We start to caress each other..and then all I know I'm awaken to this strange sensation I fail to understand and describe:( And HE is gone... Will this tormenting ever end? Will I get the opportunity to quench my desires? Or will the tricky fortune play me fool again..this I don't know. All I know is...I need this to end...I need HIM, before my soul will lose its track and abandon me in the abyss of darkness.
all of your wildest dreams are about to come true...just lay back and let me give my love to you...It feels like the rain carresing our bodies
while we are taken by the bliss...
the overwhelming rapture...
Can you see my vision..?
When love was the feeling?
Since the beginning of January I had to take care of my studies and pass the examinations. Now I am luckily transformed to another term and have the whole of February just for myself. I plan basically to call on few friends...renew some acquiantances, we'll see how it works.
And again..I can't take this recurring dream out of my happens almost every night, it's like a calling or something. I am in some place unknown...I think I am alone, but then I can, sense some presence. At first I am scared, but then the waves of heat flood over me and then HE appears. He is so ethereal, full of passion. He knows exactly what he's me, all of me. We start to caress each other..and then all I know I'm awaken to this strange sensation I fail to understand and describe:( And HE is gone... Will this tormenting ever end? Will I get the opportunity to quench my desires? Or will the tricky fortune play me fool again..this I don't know. All I know is...I need this to end...I need HIM, before my soul will lose its track and abandon me in the abyss of darkness.
Gosiek to ja Brian!! dlaczego jezszce nikt nie skomentował Twojego posta?? czy jak to sie tam nazywa. nie znam sie na tym wiec z gory przepraszam. wybaczcie, jestem tylko blondynka:P no, ale chcialam wyrazic tylko swoja dygresje:PP nikt nie chciał to ja postanowilam to zrobic:)Zyrafko, wiesz ze jestes dla mnie bardzo wazna:*:*:* jak dobrze ze juz przeszlysmy ta sesje!!uff... ale wiesz co?? im mniej sie uczymy tym lepiej nam idzie. nie uwazasz??:D moze trzeba ten system wprowadzic jakos permanentnie?? we will see!! dobra koncze bo jezszce ktos pomysli ze jestem mila i strace swoja reputacje:PP caluje Cie mocno sloneczko:*:* i trzymaj sie!!!!!!:*:*:*
Heh, Brian I guess everybody are just shocked by my post:D Well,I personally don't think it's controversial, it's just a bit...mhm..intimate:)
About your proposal, I reckon it's great idea to stop learning and just enjoy studying as such :D Love you too:*:*
po opisie na gadu zGADUje, że poznałaś piosenkę Royksoop :) fajna no nie? heh a posta nie calkiem rozumiem wiec musisz wyjasnic :D heh mój angielski... buziole
hehe jasne, zaraz Ci napisze:D A ROYKSOPP :P:P jest przecudny:D
OK nikogo nie zdziwi fakt, ze najpierw przykuł mój wzrok obrazek ;) Zboczenica :P A gdzie ta pani rączki trzyma :>
Zgadzam sie z pania ktora zwie sie Tasha:)gosiek a mowisz ze ja tutaj jestem zboczona:P:P no i z niecierpliwoscia czekam na nastepny post!!:) a juz niedlugo do szkoly:(:(:(ehhh... buziaki
Hehe, nie bądźcie pruderyjne..:P:P Kazdy ma swoje potrzeby w koncu :D
No Twoje potrzeby się "zobrazowały" ;) hihi
aaaahhh, coz za wulgaryzmy :P To jest tylko pewna doza wyobrazni...nie odbierajcie tego TAK doslownie :P
:> A można jakoś inaczej :> Babka majsterkuje w jego rosporku, czego sie spodziewałaś ;D :P
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