Monday, September 04, 2006

Summer moved on...


Wake me up

When September ends...

The summer ends...again and I get this familiar feeling of uneasiness, as if I was protected during this season. I have switch to working mode...again and start trying to wake up at 5 am like I normally do during the academic year. But it's more than that. I've noticed that all my attitude has changed. I guess I won't be feeling that relaxed or happy in a long time. Plus, I've been to Ireland this summer and it really made my holiday. And now I feel like I'm left with nothing.
Of course I can't forget about my dissertation...which awaits me in June. This is going to be a helluva challenge :D No, seriously I've no idea how to write it, really. I hope in time that will change...otherwise I won't be able to carry out my plans.
Uhh...although I love autumn, I really love this melancholic aura but I hate when summer ends. Now it's September, which means I have to do 45 hours of teaching practice :( I can't say I'm looking forward to it...if I could just go to sleep and wake up in October, that'll be great...