Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween? Or...HELLoween....:P

I'd never thought I'm gonna spend Halloween without the traditional Nemrod Party ;( It's terrible! It was the only day in year when I could draw a spiderweb on my face, I mean, come on! Jarek, you've disappointed me, how could you ?? :D
Nah, seriously, I am also very confused because of the thing that happened last night. Misiaczku, sweetie, I am so sorry for letting you down...I didn't want that to happen, especially after everything I said about keeping secrets and respecting the other person and all this now-seems-to-be bullshit. I hope that one day you'll understand that I didn't mean it and you will think about me in a better way. Please....don't hold nothing against me. :*

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The lonely waiting for....?

So that finally happened...I mean I am more aware of the whole situation now. Last night came the serious breakdown. How can I wait and wait for something that don't neccessarily has to come? My angel is coming back soon, but not to me. I let him go once and now I don't know how to bring him back...I feel like a feather lying on the ground and being dried up by the rays of time. Will it leave me out of the affection? This lonely waiting....?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Autumn leaves

"But I miss you most of all my time when autumn leaves start to fall..."
This is exactly how I feel right now. There's my angel somewhere who I long to love....but life is making many obstacles for us to be together. I can't imagine my life in happiness....although I'm trying the best I can. I couldn't survive without my friends. Misiaczku, thank you for everything. Messi, you've been there for me since I remember, and Belladonna, you're the sweetest being on Earth...thank you all for helping me out. I appreciate that :*
This season is making me crazy! Please do something with it....

A word of introduction

So, here I am writing this blog. I've decided to share myself to the world. And I chose the beginning of the weekend as the best time to start :) I had a rough week, so I'd need a rest. Some people say that you cannot work efficiently unless you provide yourself a good dose of relax and comfort:) I'm going to get very emotional here, so I warn you:D Well, as a sophisticated creature, as me will concentrate on her feelings and experiences. Of course it won't be on regular basis because of my college and other obligations. But I hope you'll like it. So...let me show you the world in my eyes...:)